Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally I begin to see the clouds, 3rd planet from the Sun, part 3

We try to get to the snow at least once during the break. I didn't think we would make this year, the break was running short and Bri had been really sick just a few weeks before. The stars and planets realigned in favor of a trip so we packed up the kids and the sleds, salami, water and headed up the hill. We have a favorite place we go, it is quiet, and the most importantly devoid of many travellers like us. It gives us a little bit of a chance to control the injury factor and keep to a minimum. Anyway, the kids had a blast, I got to bust out the camera and just enjoy the freezing cold. I wouldn't want it any other way. Behold my little loves at play!

1 comment:

  1. Them Little snow hoppers! Made me work! But a dam good job, if you can get it.

    Need to get in atleast one more snow hopping day !


Bring it! Toss in your quarter.