Thursday, May 20, 2010

Very bad attempt at poetry!

I looked into the mirror today and what did I see? An old woman in glasses looking at me.
Gray hair on the temples, a wrinkle or two.
Oh dear I may have to slab on a bottle of lotion or two
to smooth those ever deepening lines I see.

A chin hair, maybe one on the chest,
forever and a day I am plucking the beasts.
Is this how it is to be 41?

Sigh, yes I believe there are still more to come.
Ah, but the bright silver lining is held in my Abbie, Ethan and Emma Kat faces.
They are the key to exotic places of fancy and whimsy, a whole lot of fun.
It is the best to be 41!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wonderul things about Tiggers....

My little tigger, he is such an amazing guy.  He likes to cuddle, tells me on a daily basis he loves me, and how much he "misted" me even if five minutes have passed.  Oh man, this little boy owns a big piece of my heart, such a dear wee one.

And these two little pixies, they own the other two thirds of my heart. My little girls are sweet, loving, and totally take care of their brother. What a lucky mommy am I. Wouldn't trade spots with anyone.

Friday, May 14, 2010


This little face, this is the newest addition to our little clutch. Sure, the face is adorable.  Sucks you in with the warm little "purrling " (this is what the Kat calls purring), the gentle touch of her pink little paws on your face, cute sniffing and snuggling in the nape of your neck.  Poor little kitty was abandoned by her birth mom, I just couldn't let her live like that.  So with all that going for her, she gets in.  The kids are OVER the moon!  Kat wraps that little hellion in a blanket and carries her all over the house.  Very cute.  Now, this cute and innocent kitty has reached tween cat years and between the spiked hair cuts and piercings she is looking to live a life on the outside if Chloe is not careful.  Oh yeah, her name is Chloe. 

I caught Chloe on the Internet late last night chatting with her cat friends.  Needless to say she is grounded and I have instituted parental controls on the computer.  She will no longer be posting anymore questionable pictures of how to comb ear hair.  I will be calling the parents of the other cat tweeners to let them know what their kittens are doing. 

I had the fortunate luck to introduce the kids to a new sport.........BOWLING!  One rainy weekend, tired of being couped up in the house the GMA and myself carted the kids to the local bowling alley.  They had a blast.  I forgot how much I like to bowl.  The smell of the shoes, the oil film on the ball, crackling sound of the pins being knocked down.  Just too much fun.  I am thinking I have the league team in the making.  How much sounder would my mind be knowing the three of them went bowling on a Saturday night instead of cow tipping?

The Bitsy exhibited true bowler girl form, granny style with glasses to accentuate.  There is no messing with this bowler girl.  True sass from head to toe.

Beauty Shots (well sort of)
I just wanted to throw in some shots of something pretty.  At least I think they are pretty.  I have lost my mojo as of late with my beloved camera.  She and I must work some things out and come to some kind of agreement.  The agreement is I must learn how to USE the camera properly.  Yeah, that book, you know the one that's called the USER MANUAL, yeah probably should read that some time.  The book might just hold some secrets as to what all those pesky dials are for.  Shutter speed, aperture, ISO? PISHAW!  Oh if you ever wondered what a kumquat plant looks like, take a gander at picture number 1.  They are similar to grape vines, who knew? Well obviously the kumquats farmers. DUH!

Uncle Roughhousing!
The kids are fortunate to have a "young" uncle.  Just enough energy and wrestling aptitude to exhaust little kid energy.  Their uncle lives in a fabulous place with an acre of running space for a myriad of OUTSIDE activities.  I am thinking that his time of being alpha dog in this pack is limited.  A few more pounds on each of them and if they figure out how to coordinate their attack, he is crispy critter of an uncle. As it was, they pulled some William Wallace moves on him.  He is lucky I was there to cheer them on and take pictures of it.  My role was critical.  That is what a sister is for, right? Exactly.
It's all fun and games in the beginning.....
His disbelief I would be so care free with the pictorial documentation of his beating. I think he may be a little stunned of their organizational prowess at such a tender age. By next summer, he may need to go into the witness protection program for uncles.  Yes, take your beating like a man Unca Nick and how can you refuse such sweet faces as these?

A little eye candy
I leave you with a little eye candy for the brain to filter through out your day. 


Friday, May 7, 2010

My Mother's Day

They are the reason I get up in the morning, they are the reason I smile, they are my Mother's day, everyday.  I can't thank them enough for bringing so much joy to my life.  My little loves, you own my heart.

Happy Mother's Day Weekend to all my friends, sisters, Meme, Aunties, and especially my Mom.  You all rock!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tiger -VS- Kat = FUN!

This is Kat. North American Homo Sapiens Jungle Cat.  Fierce, loyal, and very smiley.  Do not look directly at her, doing so will fill your heart with love and peace.  I beg you, please look away.  For your own safety, step back from the Kat.

You will notice the absence of the central incisors, this is only a temporary situation.  As we speak the Kat is generating enough calcium for production of said incisors hoping the lateral incisors will stay in place long enough for normal eating adventures.  Without them, she will be gumming her food for a months.  It is not a pretty sight.

This is Panthera Tigris Tigris.  One of the largest cats on the planet.  Normally located in Eastern or Southern Asia, but for today Vallejo.  That is Southern right? South Bay counts right?  These animals can consume 70 pounds of raw meat in a kill setting.  In captivity, they can consume 15 pounds of raw meat in 1 minute.  They are strong, quick and agile.  They can power through the water with grace and determination.

And I let my kid feed one.  On a stick of course! What are you guys NUTS!? Geez, at least she got the stick, bare hands were completely out of the question.  And they added in the protective fencing to boot.  This is a top notch establishment.  What kind of mom do you think I am?

In all seriousness, this was a cool exhibit.  Informative, entertaining and the Kat was tickled pink to be chosen for such a special memory.  Before the handlers let her go over and feed the tiger, they told her that the tiger would not be fed anything the handlers wouldn't eat and the Kat would have to eat it.  At that point the guy brought out a chunk of raw meat and motioned as though he would hand it to Kat.  Kat in typical Kat style reached out to take a bite, the handlers were taken by surprise at her willingness to give it a go!  They and myself got a big chuckle.  For all of Kat's efforts she was awarded the coveted Shouka toy.

This was a fabulous day, for me, the Kat, her siblings and grandma.  Spending time with my kids is the best, we had a ball running from ride to ride, show to show, and the myriad of questions from the kids.  This was primarily a school function.  The Kat and her classmates had a fund raiser a few months ago to sponsor this trip.  We were fortunate enough to turn this into a family adventure.  Although Gma would not venture onto the coaster/water splashing rides (much to the chagrin of the little kids) it was fabulous.  They were amazed by the animals, stunned by the availability of a running fountain that was specifically designed to squirt kids, and the fact they had a jungle gym to romp around on.  Here are a few more amazing sights we had that day.