Thursday, December 18, 2008

"To the North Pole of course........."

"The train was filled with other children, all in their pajamas and nightgowns. We sang Christmas carols and ate candies with nougat centers as white as snow. We drank hot cocoa as thick and rich as melted chocolate bars. Outside, the lights of towns and villages flickered in the distance as the Polar Express raced northward."

The Polar Express
Chris Van Allsburg, Author

This is how our family (Waddles, Trujillos, Pfeifles, Moomps) spend a Saturday afternoon/evening. The excitement was palpable, breathing life into itself, taking on the joy of the season. I myself couldn't wait. This wasn't a trip for non-believers, the Big Guy was watching!

As we walked into the station I was truly mesmorized at the detail and conviction the fine folks working at the museum provided to the imagination of all the passangers from 1 to 92. Follow our family in our pictorial story of how we road to the North Pole. Enjoy!

Honorary Cabin Attendant, Mr. Scott

What a gorgeous family!

Another gorgeous family!

Look at me MA!

Hot Chocolate!

Dad and son sharing a cookie. Looks just like his daddy.

Piped over the speakers, to our pleasure the reading of the Polar Express.

Are we there yet? Do you see him? Was that bells I hear?

We took the wrong rail, but the very capable engineer got us back on track! LOL

Could it be? Is that the Big Man? Are we here? Whoa, wait a minute, no one said anything about a list. Quick, think, think, naughty or nice? Abbazabba know where she stands, she confidently states she is on the naughty list. Ok, so where do I go from here? IF she KNOWS she is on the naughty list at 3 what happens at 13?

Oh man, is he coming on the train?



Dad? Is that him?

The Big Easy and his Girls

Oh, it's just the ghost, ok, so there is still time to figure out what list I am on.



So what is YOUR persuation on the Big Man? A Doubter or a Believer?


  1. Very Nice Photography ! Good selection for scene setting.

    ClĂ­ona O'Flaherty Photography

  2. Cliona, Thank you very much! I am honored, your work is fantastic. Please come back again!

  3. OMG! I want to do this. Do you have to have kids to get on? lol. I love trains. Great talking to you last week. I love your blog ... it brings me the lol's and some snorts too :)


Bring it! Toss in your quarter.