Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Simply Beautiful

It has been a busy few weeks in our household. I spoke before about the Kat getting ready for Kindergarten and she has officially started. It seems like eons ago, but here we are. This girl is scrumptious, amazing, intelligent, and already telling me she wants to do her own hair.

On Monday she donned her HUGE adult sized back pack (as requested by the teacher) to house her little green apple shaped lunch bag, a towel (yes, they are preparing her to hitchhike through the galaxy, Ford Prefect would be so proud), and a blue folder for her homework. I shortened the straps, packed her lunch, lovingly folded her towel, and drove with the kids and Briman to drop off our baby at her new school. Five years ago, I never would have dreamed this day would be here. Never would I have felt my heart feel the pain of knowing she is already starting the road of independence which I will fight the whole way. The hair is just the start. I will take any moment she will offer me to spend with her alone. I will take every moment to spend with her to help with her homework. I will spend every minute of my life loving her and thanking God for her in my life.

Oh and by the way, she discovered the hot lunch line and has been shopping on her own without money. Yeah, she is working on a "Norm from Cheers" size tab, just shopping, a milk here, a juice there, hot dogs, jello, you name it. She is simply beautiful.


  1. She is simply beautiful, as is her mom. Hang in there sis - and remember, we can always drink our pains away at Starbucks - saddle up to the table and bottoms up!

    Will you remind me to hang in there when it is my turn?

    Love ya

    OH! AND!!! DUDE!!!! the negative space on that pic to the right - awesome - very artistic - LOVE LOVE LOVE the crop - followed completely the rule of 3rds and it is beautiful! All I see is emma's sweet eyes framed by gorgeous hair - just saying.

  2. very beautiful, look at that lip!!!!

  3. Why thank you my dears! I really like that picture a lot. Sometimes I surprise myself because honestly, happy accident with camera. But it looks like I have some chops huh? LOL

    Love you girls bunches!


Bring it! Toss in your quarter.