Their words are heavier, their thoughts are complicated, their emotions are bountiful. It's coming. The moment these looks on their faces will transform into eyes of mistrust. It's coming. The days of "you just don't understand" or "you never listen to what I have to say".
It's coming. The rolling eyes, looks of embarrassment, sighs of exasperation and frustration. I know I shouldn't roll my eyes but hey I am just a mom. Oh, you thought I meant them?
Well, you are correct. I will be on the receiving end of many years of tripled eye rolling, tripled looks of embarrassment, tripled sighs of exasperation and frustration. I am moving closer to filling the role of the stupidest human on the planet. I am stock piling my tissue, I am gathering my literature pamphlets of:
"What to say to your teen when you got nothing" or
"What to do when they gang up on you" or
"Little woman, big stick, three weasels" or
"How to outwit, outplay and outlast your teen" or
"Where to hide your car keys effectively" or
"Teen boy, how much do they really eat?"
There are few things that books can not do for you, that is to know your kids. Sure I can read all the theory and yes some of it may work. The ultimate skill I must have is to KNOW my child(ren). I know them. I know the looks, the body posture, what their words really mean. Sure, someone may ask me what they may want for their birthday and I may hesitate, honestly, kids change their likes and dislikes on a daily basis. I don't care about that stuff. I care about what is in the inside of their hearts. I care about how to reach them when they glaze over like a jelly donut. I care about my mutual trust with them. I care about the long term relationship.
My weasels are fabulous, however by no means perfect. I wouldn't want them perfect I want them real, confident, fallible, happy people. I want them to discover dreams, I want to find love, I want them live life, I want them to know unconditionally their momma loves them.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
~ William S. Burroughs
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