Friday, December 17, 2010

Welcome to the POLAR EXPRESS!

Patiently waiting for the ride of the season.

He had their full attention for over thirty minutes.  The Kat was putting this guy through his magical paces with the appearance of little green foam balls into their hands.  I think he was a little daunted by the packing techniques of my children.  Afterall they are little wolverines!

Who could that be behind all that hair?

Why it is Big Red himself!  Have YOU been good this year?

Why yes, Mr. Claus, Mommy only had to text Mrs. Claus twice last week. We all have been very good this year.

Do you believe?


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.  May your dreams come true and bask in the hue of the family's love light.  Where ever you go, take comfort to know, a child's smile makes the heart bright.

Love to you all.

Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. ~ William S. Burroughs

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! I am so in shock over how time is going so fast that it frightens me! I cannot bellieve how they have grown! Wow....


Bring it! Toss in your quarter.