Friday, March 13, 2009

It must run in the family

Our house is busy, early mornings, long days, and short evenings. I am not crying about it, just realizing the necessity of having both parents work full time. However, it does make some of the unexpected moments more precious. The kids and I arrived in their classroom a bit early so I had time to hang out and play a bit. All their little friends are running around before they have to get into the swing of the day, Big Easy takes off for a few moments and shows up with a pair of goggles. He made sure to get a pair for his sister, such a gentleman. These two fight like cats and dogs but in the end, they really have a great connection.

I have lots of things on my mind but I am not quite ready to share, so for now, please enjoy the photos. I will attempt to not be so neglectful of the blog and write something worthwhile.

Don't try to take him, HE IS MINE......part Duex

It all started with a hat. What came next was a mesmorizing display of a one-act of adventure to other lands, treasure, fair maidens, prince charming, and most importantly laughter. The purple ribbon head band? Yeah, not sure myself other than I must warn you ladies, he is mine. I know, where did a girl like me find such a catch as him, just fate I think. Destiny, split aparts, astrology, who knows.

It starts with a wish.....

This lovely beauty is the apple of all our eyes, rest assured momma, this village will be there to help through the tweens, teens and beyond. Love to Dianah, Scott, and enchanting Delaney.