Dialing the phone: ringing
"Linden Elementary, how may I help you?"
Hi, my name is Kymn and I have a daughter who will be attending your school, and well I am a, well a new mom, I have no idea how to register my daughter.
"::giggle:: Well that is not a problem, I can help you with that. Let me tell you what you will need to bring for open registration in the Spring."
Thank you very much!
Kindergarten as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a school or class for children usually from four to six years olds.
Entomology: German, from Kinder children + Garten garden Date:1852
What happened? She was a dark haired, cooing bundle of person right from the get go and she is now a intelligent, beautiful, auburn hair, brown eyed dynamo ready for, dare I say, Kindergarten. I look at her and wonder how I ever grew this person inside my body and I believe I finally did something worthwhile in my life. I don't have a glamorous job, I am not monetarily endowed, but I have a wonderful daughter ready for Kindergarten. To some this may not be a big deal but for me, tis a very big deal.
My children are growing the normal pace children do, but for me the time has zipped by in a flash. I know many parents will shake their heads in agreement, remembering the first time they noticed their child performed some duty, task, or said something completely out of the blue which hints at the grown up person inside waiting. Ethan is now choosing which Mayer songs he wants to listen to, Abbie is my little responsible one, cleaning up after everyone, and Emma is my big grown up sister and kindergarten student. By the way she wears the badge of Big Sister with honor and pride.
A part of me wants to tuck them all under my arm and snuggle them to my chest just to get the whiff of the baby that is quickly leaving them. There is another part of me looking forward to spending evenings helping with homework, going to activities, hearing the oohs and ahhs of a first time discovery, listening around the corner to the kids complain about how I ALWAYS know what they are doing and wondering if I have magical powers. I do by the way. There is so much to share with them, I know it is going to be great, painful, and rewarding.
So for those mums and dads who have not hit this mark yet, remember to have a certified copy of the birth certificate, current shot records, a utility bill and mortgage to verify the residence address and how long you have lived in said residence and call the school early.