Thursday, June 9, 2011

Have you EVER heard of.......

This is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.  Apparently there are industrious folks out in the world who have taken crafting to new level.  I can't imagine spending the time to knit a scarf let alone cosy covers for tree stumps in the middle of a city.  But WOW! Look at this! This picture immediately brought a warm smile to my face and lends me to believe there are ninja crafters out in the communities spreading happiness.  Question: Why arn't there any of these folks in my town?

Yarn Bombing is happening all over the world right under our noses.  These pictures are just a few examples of creativity and beauty exploding in lots of cities.  I even found out there is a International Yarn Bombing Day!  Whodathunk?!  Take a look at their site, absolutely fabulous and well needed. 

Spring fibre bombing 2FibreFriends

Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. ~ William S. Burroughs